Stay Calm and Strong in the End Times
Posted February 17, 2018 by Amy Wang
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It's easy to get distracted by end times prophecies and scares, and forget about the greater need for endurance in faith and obedience. We have a tendency to make unwise decisions when we are overly fearful or anxious. Thus, it's very important to study the Bible (a) to protect us from fearmongering and deception and help us recognize the real Jesus, (b) to protect us from falling away, (c) to give us hope when things get tough, and (d) to prepare us for Jesus’ coming.
1. To protect us against fearmongering
Do you remember the people who thought the end of the world was coming on a specific day, like May 21, 2011 or December 21, 2012, and made extreme life decisions based on their fears, even though the Bible says no man knows the exact day (Mark 13:32)? By taking heed to our own theology (1Thessalonians 4:16) and debunking incorrect views, we can protect ourselves and others from the irrational action that gives our faith a bad reputation.
Every now and then we may hear false prophecies of comets crashing to earth causing massive tidal waves or various other urgent scenarios. However, it is more important to prepare our hearts by seeking the kingdom of God and His righteousness. The Bible does not urge us to save our physical lives, but to be willing to lose it for the sake of righteousness (Matthew 16:25).
Paul Thigpen provides wise advice regarding discernment with respect to the private revelations of others. He says, “We should repeat here the important truth that Christians can spend a lifetime without ever delving into private revelations and still find all the grace they need to gain eternal life with God in heaven.” He recommends to spend at least three hours reading, thinking, and talking about solid material like Scripture for every hour spent dwelling on private revelations, because immersion is often used to brainwash people [1].
2. To protect us from falling away
What will happen when the church goes through the great tribulation which they have been falsely taught they would be rescued from? Will that not result in widespread apostasy (2Thessalonians 2:3)? Jesus warned that false prophets would deceive many (Matthew 24:11). We need the scriptures to protect us from the deception of false hope. Learn how to use Scripture to debunk the pre-tribulation rapture theory in the following two end times articles: "Debunking the False Hope of the Pre-Tribulation Rapture" and "Why the Pre-Tribulation Rapture Deception Thrived."
3. To give us true hope, endurance, and courage when things get tough
Perilous times are coming (2Timothy 3:1,13, Matthew 24:21). Although from God's perspective, the end is near (Revelation 1:1,22:20), from a human perspective, it will feel like a long time (Luke 12:45, Revelation 6:10, 2Peter 3:3-4). The gospel must first be preached in all the world for a witness unto all nations (Matthew 24:14), and God is patiently providing people time to come to repentance (2Peter 3:9). We, too, must be patient.
The thought of enduring the tribulation might cause us to mourn and lose our strength (Daniel 10:16-19). However, the Bible encourages us to be overcomers by helping us to appreciate God’s sovereignty over history (Isaiah 46:10, Matthew 10:29-30) and to foresee the final victory and reward that awaits those who overcome (Revelation 2:7,2:11,2:17,2:26,3:5,3:12,3:21).
4. To exhort us to repent, prepare, and be alert
The Bible's book of Proverbs teaches us that a prudent man foresees evil and take steps to prepare (Proverbs 22:3, Zephaniah 2:3). The book of Revelation helps us to foresee evil and in particular, chapters 2 and 3 provide steps to prepare out hearts, urging the church to be zealous and repent (Revelation 3:19). In the trying times to come, we will need patience (Revelation 14:12,13:10), faith, hope, love, sobriety (1Thessalonians 5:4,8) and godliness (2Peter 3:11-12). We will also need the Word, the Holy Spirit, and the encouragement of fellow brethren (Ephesians 6:10-18).
Sometimes, a simple word of encouragement can give us strength. Daniel was strengthened by the words "fear not! Peace be to you; be strong, yes, be strong!" (Daniel 10:18-19). When dealing with the "thorn" in his flesh, Paul was given the words "My grace is sufficient for you" (2Corinthians 12:9). Other times, like the prophet Elijah, on top of spiritual preparation, we may simply need food, rest, and exercise (1Kings 19:1-10).
Extending the Days of Our Tranquility
Will we be ready and be found faithful when He returns (Matthew 24:42-51, 25:21, Luke 18:8)? Can we seek righteousness and mercy, if possible to extend the days of our tranquility (Daniel 4:27) or hide us in the day of His anger (Zephaniah 2:3) like the Israelites when they were in hidden in Goshen during the Ten Plagues of Egypt? Can we humble ourselves, pray, and repent for healing of our land (2Chronicles 7:14), similar to Daniel's prayer for Israel in Daniel 9:3-19? Blessed are those who will take heed to the book of Revelation and heed its sayings (Revelation 1:3).
- [1]Thigpen, Paul. The Rapture Trap: A Catholic Response to “End Times” Fever. Westchester, PA: Ascension Press, L.L.C., 2002. p.235
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